I'm so close, and I missed the Bag 'O Crap
Well, I've admitted a few things on this blog and you might have figured out that I'm a shameless reality-show junkie, that I like some 80's music, and that I sometimes wash the coffee pot at work 12 times before making coffee because I think it might be tainted. Until today, though, I haven't admitted that I'm a woot watcher. Yes, it's true. I don't think I have the disease as bad as some- I've never stayed up all night during a woot-off. (Though I have stayed up until 1AM to watch a woot off, and I have set the alarm for 6AM on a Saturday to check a woot-off.) I've also missed every bandolier of carrots to date. The last woot-off I was watching pretty closely, since I really wanted one. I was at work one day, still monitoring. I was asked to help with some testing in another department, so I figured I could take a woot break for an hour. There was no way there would be a Blinged Out Cabbage while I was away from my desk.
I showed up in the testing room and noticed that one guy was studying his PDA pretty hard and I accused him of watching the woot-off on wi-fi while we technology-deprived folks could not. He admitted it, but he said that this one had been non-stop for days and he didn't expect anything special. We were involved in the meeting and I had halfway forgotten about it when this guy leapt (literally) from his chair and bolted out of the room. A couple of people expressed concern for his health, but I knew that all that was wrong with him was the sudden need for crap! Sure enough, he came back in minutes later and announced that the Braille on Cookies had come and gone. I swore that the next time, I would be there for Woot! After all, I'm only a few miles from the Woot folks - right in the heart of the Dallas, Texas metroplex! It is like team spirit to be a wooter here!
So, this morning I get to work and sleeply open my browser and the random bag of crap was gone. Over. It started at midnight last night, and it was gone in minutes as usual. So, since I didn't get one, I figured I'd rave on my blog about it. I hope it's all just bags of crap! Wait, it is bags of crap... Oh jeez, never mind!
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