Becoming an Expert
Hello blogworld,
I've got a new article out which offers tips for anyone who needs to seriously brush up on a topic in a hurry. With my writing and other commitments I often have to quickly prepare for an article, paper or talk on something that I know a little about but need to know more. Sometimes I have enough info to give a talk on a topic, but I want to be extra-prepared in case there are questions afterwards. Other times I just feel that my knowledge isn't quite well-rounded enough and I want to flesh it out. For personal use, I developed a system that I could use. It can take a few hours to a couple of days depending on how much you need to know. While I often retain a good amount of what I learn, the system is primarily designed to help you commit the information to short-term memory. This can also make it handy for students who need to cram for an exam. Basically, it involves immersing yourself in data, taking good notes or orally committing the information to memory. To read all the steps and try it for yourself, check out the article at:
Interesting. The full article looks useful.
Cool man.
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