How come?
How come people who make commercials actually think that the majority of viewers will buy a product or go to a website just because the commercial is so annoying that it drives you nuts? Now, I'll admit that if they are just trying to drive traffic to a site, it might work, but to spend money on it or use it? Not so much.
For example, take those horrid commercials that demand repeatedly that you "get zwinky" or something like that. Yes, they made me curious enough to look up the website. No, I didn't bother with more than a cursory glance because I'm not the target audience. So, maybe it works for the target audience? Problem with that (in my area at least) is that the ads are always on during late-night talk shows! The site appears to be intended for the junior-high crowd and I rarely saw my daughter watching "Leno" when she was that age. I don't get it...
Since my blog shall obviously be super-powerful, to all you commercial-makers who are reading this: If you want me to remember your product, annoying might work but better yet- make me LAUGH! Like the Sonic commercials with the two guys, or those gum commercials with the funny blonde lady. If you actually want me to BUY your product - tell me why I should! (I watch those swinky or zweeky or whatever commercials and I don't even know what they MEAN.) Ok, well, that's my say on commercials for right now...
I hate that zwinky thing. It gives me a head ache.
man, I think the zwinky avatars are kind of cool and I'm not that young I'm 20. the commericals are stupid though. before you judge too much tho, have you tried creating on zwinky? have you tried second life? if you do that kind of stuff you might like it but its kind of new.
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